Jeff Pulver is an American Internet entrepreneur known for his work as founder and chief executive of and co-founder of Free World Dialup, Vonage, and Zula. Says Wikipedia. His own “about” from his webpage says this:
I started the VON conference back in 1997 and have been involved in the IP Communications Industry since 1995. I have started companies and invested in companies that created the Voice on the Net revolution. I have also done work in Public Policy which lead to the passing of the “Pulver Order” in 2004. I’m always talking to the people who take the bleeding edge into mass markets.
Here’s what Wikipedia says about the Pulver Order:
Pulver is the chief writer of what is referred to as the Pulver Order, which was adopted in 2004 by the Federal Communications Commission as the first FCC ruling regarding Internet Protocol (IP) communications.
Pulver is starting a new series of conferences about How We Communicate (HWC) and is worth listening to, given his track record as cloud visionary. HWC is part of the whole question of Understanding Media in the MobileAge, one of our 7 core DLE elements. Kudos to Gary for the link.