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Among the many areas where there’s great potential for change, is releasing the “emotional side of being”, in support of learning. We are, to restate the obvious, emotional beings, and “what we are feeling” has a lot to do with what we are learning.

While some super teachers seem to know how to align students emotions with the learning activity of the moment, it’s  generally a sort of empty area on the map of what we know how to do to support learning.

Like the old world maps that had terra incognito areas, and sometimes included a mythical continent where it later turned out there actually was one, eventually our maps will be updated and this part of learning will be well understood.

Here’s one attempt to fill in the empty or vague areas of the map. Not without controversy, but it forces educational institutions to at least “work the problem” some.

[gview file=”’-Emotional-Skills-The-New-York-Times.pdf”]