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As has been noted over the recent years, the convergence of various elements into some new hard to explain “digital thing” continues. IOW, it’s become clear that we are going to create and curate and consume huge amounts of video today and into the future, and that is going to form the core of many many activities and industries in the mobile media age.

One of those converging elements is what we used to call an Ad Agency. Within the recent past, and noted in posts here, Kris and John visited Bob Wingo in El Paso to talk about how his ad agency understood and addressed the local market.

This being important because of our PSA conviction that one has to have that “in” to the local imagination to really compete best for eyeballs and attention in the overwhelming media world people live in. Addressing the “local cuisine” is one of the 7 PSA core elements…

Here’s a local business that sounds like a version of Mr. Wingo’s enterprise, on a much much smaller scale, but as if conceived by someone adapting to the current changes in what video is for, who makes it, and what “works” in today’s “market”.

Chris Lang webpage here


At LNG we understand that in order to reach a given audience, you have to connect with them on their emotional level. You have to relate to individuals’ needs in real-time as they are affected by an ever-changing world. And to achieve a real and effective connection, you must tell a story which captures and engages those emotions.

The art of storytelling in our digital age has become a something of a science as well. Like everything else, this form of communication evolves alongside research scientists’ breakthrough technologies. As information is put forward and consumed in increasingly condensed, ever-faster and more convenient ways,