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My two year old grandson is fascinated by YouTube garbage truck videos, the sounds and the sights of waste management. Henry is not allowed much media time, but on Saturday popcorn night he is treated to a 30 minute video that captures his imagination.

This article explains how the sounds and sights of waste management opened up a new career track for Bryn Erdman. Capturing the learning imagination is one of the PSA core elements of a quality DLE.

Embedded below this paragraph is a masterpiece of garbage-truck YouTube: “Garbage Trucks: On Route, In Action!” It’s the work of the 21-year-old man pictured above: Bryn Erdman. Opening with a heavy-metal guitar riff (written and recorded by Erdman), the video features a 19-minute compilation (shot by Erdman) of the front loaders, side loaders. and curb-sort recyclers that manage waste throughout the Pacific Northwest. The video has been viewed over 1.8 million times — no surprise, as it was created after multiple fan requests.