Over the years, I have attended many CASAS Summer Institutes. The topics include a focus on the latest approaches to transitioning learners from post secondary education to the workplace. One year, I attended a session presented by the Singapore workforce development agency. The government in Singapore is fully invested in efforts to support companies transform as described in a sectoral manpower plan.
The food services sectoral manpower plan was developed to support companies’ efforts to transform, and is a key part of the Industry Transformation Map that the Government is developing for the industry.
One imagines many in US would appreciate an “industry Transformation Plan” that describes where things are going in detail. Curious how Singapore approach which AFAIK depends on a fair amount of “central planning”, or government making decisions for business…is fairing in this time of extremely rapid change.
Sometimes it seems like US could benefit from some plans to promulgate tech standards, and to efficiently support implementation of new infrastructure, and funding for startups. OTOH, government moves so slowly that, as often happens in education, the technology that gets implemented is already close to obsolete.