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An idea that has been around for some time…using the present power line infrastructure, to carry internet signals to the home…is in development today at AT&T labs. However this implementation sounds a bit different, in that it sounds like it’s using radio technology, and perhaps integrates with mobile cell networks, but still goes where the power lines go?

Field tests said to being next year, but no actual ballpark dates for scaled up availability are noted. It’s one of many announced internet infrastructure and access projects possible sometime in the future, but not guaranteed to come to pass. Sounds great, if it does.

The idea centers on experimenting with multiple ways to send a modulated radio signal around or near medium-voltage power lines, without an actual direct electrical connection to the power line. The system will not require the laying of new fiber or in-home connections and could be configured with small wireless cells or distributed antenna systems, says AT&T.


Low-cost plastic antennas and other devices created by AT&T would be used as part of the system and would work with 4G LTE and 5G multigigabit mobile and fixed deployments, the company said.


“We believe Project AirGig has the potential to quickly bring connectivity to all parts of the world,” said Donovan. “Our researchers are addressing the challenges that hampered similar approaches a decade ago, such as megabit per second speeds and high deployment costs.”

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