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Here is an interview with the head of Amazon Web Services another big player in cloud services for enterprises seeking greater infrastructure capability.

Andy Jassy heads Amazon Web Services, the cloud-computing division that drives much of’s profitability. He spoke with The Seattle Times before re: Invent, an annual AWS conference in Las Vegas that takes place this week.

We have a machine-learning service that we launched about a year and a half ago, and there are a lot of artificial intelligence (AI) machine-learning capabilities coming. We have a large number of people working in AI.

If you look around homes and the workplace, there are all these sensors in many devices. This is what people commonly call the Internet of Things.

These sensors have a small amount of (computing power) and memory. Which means the cloud becomes disproportionately important to supplement their capabilities. Most of the big IoT cases today are built on top of AWS.

We are at the start of what we think is possible. Over time, many enterprises are going to think about their own infrastructure as servers and also as devices they use to collect data, do analytics and take action back on these devices. So that’s another area of significant investment for us.