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Arrangements have been made to lease a “closed” former Coca Cola bottling plant in Las Cruces for use as a film/ video studio and sound stage. Here’s three sources covering the story, which involves state senator Jeff Steinborn facilitating a lease arrangement with the owner of the building, as well as with the DACC film studies program who will be one of the tenants of the giant  space for low-cost. It has the appearance of being a facility with great potential and size.  

The Las Cruces Film Studio is at 2100 S. Valley Dr in Las Cruces, between Boutz and E. University streets, and not far from Interstate 10.  So they will want to do a good job sound proofing the studio. It has high ceilings which are important for rigging lights, and using cranes and jibs and full size green screen shooting.

The 74K sq ft interior space is, AFAIK, up there with the largest interior film studios in the world. Pinewood in England is 65K, and Wanda Studios Qingdao has a couple that size, plus one new studio at 107K sq.ft. under construction. However, Wanda is unloading facilities to reduce debt and the humongous Qingdao facility has been put on the market. 


[gview file=””] [gview file=”“Las-Cruces-Studios”-KRWG.pdf”] [gview file=””]