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*Film production today is almost entirely digital video production, but it seems we will still continue to call that industry “film production”.

This announcement is a few months old already, but is timely because the NM State Legislature opens its 2019 session Jan. 15th. The state’s film production subsidy program will be one major topic under budgetary consideration this year, and some see film production industry support as advantageous to the state in a number of respects. Las Cruces, as previously noted here, is also attempting to make film production into a substantial economic and job creating force for Southern NM. 

PSA notes that online services need a lot of video production, and having in-state production capability might well foster more support for such projects. A previous post from Dec.19 2018 noted that the current city of Las Cruces “soundstage initiative” is focusing on building a substantial soundstage at NMSU’s Arrowhead Park, and negotiations to bring that about are underway. Noted soundstage operator “Cinespace” is slated to take on operation of the Las Cruces soundstage in a public/private endeavor.

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( here is another recent post on “The Dream is Now the Reality” re film production in Las Cruces)