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When one sees the word “revolution” or “revolutionize”, one presumes that change is being referred to, but not how this change will occur.

IOW, what steps get us from today, to the new “revolutionized” state, and is there any firm vision of what that state entails, or consists of?

Nevertheless, when we talk “revolution” we are focused on being open to something completely different (Monty Python notwithstanding).

And that focus is what allows us to find a direction, and take some experimental steps toward our “revolutionized” goal(s).

We do find ourselves in a transition period, to new mediums, such as one to one, one to many, many to many “personally created” video as a form of “talk”.

And coming right along with that, are new ways of curated video “data”, and arranging just in time distribution for many uses, including learning.

Such “ways of learning” take advantage of AI, as discussed in the TED video below. Kudos for Mr. Schindlholzer for starting off with a Buckminister Fuller quote.

One of his top takeaways is that the demand for “routine knowledge work” will be decreasing at a fast pace, as processing power and AI algorithms develop rapidly.

Another is that “future economic growth will come from non-routine “creative knowledge work”…designing solutions that solve problems in the world.”



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Kudos to Gary for the link.