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Here is an example of a community school that is not one size fits all. Of course, not every parent has the ability to pay the tuition of an innovative community school. Yet, we can learn from the key aspects of such a school to extend such an opportunity to all students.

The University Cooperative School in Seattle is considered a private school in the State of Washington with a mission to make learning for k-5  “a journey not a race”.  Ladell Black founded the school in 1975 at a time when the Seattle Public Schools were cutting art programs and considered eliminating kindergarten. The board of directors consists of parents, alumni parents and teachers.

In addition to tuition, parents are expected to give a 3-5 hour shift every other week at the school. Parents and grandparents are encouraged to participate in community activities such as Passion Friday/piza, an opportunity to share passions with the kids.

The school assists parents with extended day programs before and after school.The extended day programs are an additional  $10 per hour for parents.