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One major component of change ongoing during “the time of pandemic” is how workforce development is being affected. Since WFH, LFH, HFH, and training from home, have all been put on a fast track of development, with large measures of concomitant uncertainty, and disruption, it might be worth a look back at another time of “overnight redo of the economy” circa Dec. 1941 into the spring and summer of 1942.

The US industrial economy was suddenly put on a war footing requiring retooling of plants for military hardware production, and retooling of the workforce to meet those needs. Not only did the US achieve military production at amazingly high levels in very short periods of time, the workforce itself transitioned to a much higher % of women workers.

The video below about the “Rosie the Riverter” phenomena, is all about change in the way the US Economy worked…a huge amount of government funding occurred, as well as government control of production, in unique partnerships with the private sector. Along with that came great gender changes in the US workforce as well..

But the larger point is that immense changes can be wrought almost overnight in the structure of the economy, should there be sufficient consensus and will.