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The $7B for broadband access in the just passed stimulus bill compares uncannily to a similar amount in the stimulus package of 2009. This 2020 funding is to counter pandemic revealed communication access problems, and a very real and ongoing Digital Divide, which has tremendously hampered LFH efforts, and been revealed in a host of other “lack of access” effects.

The 2009 Bill’s affordable access component was intended to counter broadband access and digital divide conditions then commonplace, especially in poor and rural areas, as a way to kickstart economic activity during the deep recession then ongoing. Sound familiar?

That 2009 stimulus bill contained

Needless to say, a lot happened between the funds being designated, and what part of the US “affordable access” problems ended up being addressed. (PSA had a notable role in developing regional grant approaches in SNM for that funding. We had an inside seat participating in those processes, and observed first hand the evolving constraints that in the end limited the size and impact of regional affordable access programs here, and elsewhere.

What we strongly hope, but are skeptical will occur, is that the second time around will be the charm.

Meanwhile, we await the details on the programs that will be receiving the $7B, and which corporations and/or non profits/ NGO will be contracted to execute those programs. It’s TBD what role might be available this time around for organizations like PSA.