One of the reasons for having “alternate” schools, such as charters, or parochial, or private, is to try different MO for teaching and see how the results compare to conventional public school systems.
It has been true that some of those experiments succeed and offer hope that we aren’t fated to just continue with the same old same old public school approaches that offer undesirable outcomes far too often in far too many schools.
That’s not to say that it’s easy to scale up or promulgate changes in the public school system. But we do know that with online/mobile learning taking a bigger and bigger role, changes will have to be accommodated and optimized in the years to come.
It may be that math teaching is particularly suitable for finding, funding, and creating the best math teaching tools and MO in the nation, and then distributing that learning experience online and nationwide Clearly, some are looking to find a better way of Math learning for US students.
What Do We Really Know About Teaching Kids Math? | The New Yorker