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Over the last decade, PSA has been focused on “capturing the learning imagination” by scanning the “signals” of change by posting over a thousand links in our searchable database. Here is how professional Futurists think about the future in this report from the Futurist Imagination Retreat.

Additionally, here are some insight and imagination voiced by activists interviewed in a video from the course: “Futures Thinking”.

-Longterm thinking – “change takes time”, and change needs to be better for all, “all voices”.

-Youth need to actively use “future things”

-Be an artist and see “signals” about the future that can manifest in areas such as education and healthcare

-Solve problems with those facing the problem such as helping them make simulations and videos about coping with a future situation such as leaving prison, getting a job, getting housing.

-Engage with people showing emotions and fears, a precondition for scanning for signals to show a better future
