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The Biden Administration has released a very lengthy Executive Order covering multiple aspects of the current boom in AI. It addresses many parts of the Federal Government’s policy, rules, and regulations for what can and cannot be done by AI businesses and NGOs.


Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence | The White House


Clearly it’s an attempt to create a legal framework for how AI will be regulated, and it’s an attempt to be comprehensive and timely. However, it is also problematic, as many projected changes from AI advances are currently in the guesswork category. In addition, some of the biggest challenges such as unemployment through AI advances, are problems for which we realistically can only dream of potential solutions.

It’s unlikely that merely noting specific fiats for dealing with the problems will actually provide all the real-world solutions. (see currently intractable internet problems). Not to say we shouldn’t try, but we should keep a skeptical eye on claims that huge problems can be solved merely by governmental declarations. OTOH, we have to get moving on this right away if there’s any hope to stay abreast of AI advances.


Executive order run-down