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PSA may well do a new website constructed from the ground up to support all manner of AI operations and functions for visitors to the site. One where numerous ingredients coalesce into a whole thing that is consumed as a whole, but chomped into by the Interface slice.. While we can pretty much still make out what the ingredients are, the experience is about what happens when we bite into a slice with all the ingredients present in some relationship to each other.

PSA discovered in the early going more than 10+ years ago, that understanding how to support online learning and online heathcare involved knowing how a number of essential ingredients interacted to create a whole. Focusing, as with Silos, on one ingredient at a time simply wasn’t good enough because the 7 Elements of the Defined Learning Experience each affected each other. Making progress with just one of the elements, even if a huge advance, would be undermined if the other 6 elements didn’t also advance in sync.

What to do? Kris has reminded us of this reality, and has developed some content to aid in our understanding of the direction PSA needs to continue to travel. The above image was created by Kris using AI image generative applications. Yes, this AI still needs help with text…but the idea of ingredients being essential to form the intended whole is there.

Kris took the concept a big step further from there, asking AI tools how PSA might proceed to develop the Pizza Principle as a fundamental metaphor and interface for the PSA website of the future. Please see the following posts for that content. Kudos to Kris!