Prompt to my ChatGPT:
How will AI impact the structural aspects of school systems as well as human development?
Response by ChatGPT regarding AI and Community Schools:
Community schools are in a unique position to advance both AI and human development by fostering inclusive and accessible learning environments, emphasizing ethics, and building strong partnerships with external organizations. By doing so, they can prepare students to be informed, ethical, and skilled contributors to an AI-driven world. Their role as community anchors makes them ideal places for merging educational growth with community empowerment, ensuring that advancements in AI serve human development across all levels of society.
The following article was the basis of my conversation with ChatGPT:
Community collaboration promotes student success | The Seattle Times
This is a very useful post Kris…combining AI’s take on “how to do it” and real life examples including the CIS organization. Community Schools as a kind of umbrella under which the social services can support the educational services, and vice versa…makes sense as a model that may well fit the coming re-organization heavily involving AI tools.
Currently Community Schools tend to work best in low income areas where schools need to provide the most social services. But as we move to a new educational model involving AI, Community Schools might be “every” school in every neighborhood. Perhaps AI might be handling much of the educational needs, while CS handled the other needs specific to each community and school and student.