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Education and Music

Alex Tabarrok (GMU) post analogizes classroom vs. online learning to live and recorded music – there is some merit to the comparison. If you did not read Alex’s November 2012 Cato Institute article, “Why Online Education Works”,  it summarizes...

MOOCs are so Old World

Education as we know it is passe. “Massive Open Online Courses might seem like best way to use the Internet to open up education, but you’re thinking too small. Technology can turn our entire lives into learning experiences.” “Today’s obsession with...

Online College Students 2012

“Approximately 80% of (full-time) online students live within 100 miles of the institution they attend, and most live within 50 miles.” – go figure. “15% of all online students take courses through the University of Phoenix.” A quick...

Openness and the Age of Networked Intelligence

In this TED presentation, Don Tapscott looks at the role of Openness: Collaboration, Transparency, Sharing and Empowerment & Freedom as the foundation of the Age of Networked Intelligence. I have been using the term “the Network Connected World”, but...