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Moodle Personal Learning Plan

  Video showing an ILP for Moodle which we hope will make the ILP process useful, relevant and productive. Combining a series of questionnaires and feedback sections, the Year Tutor will work with the student to set SMART targets which can be inputted via the ILP...

Pedagogies for the digital age

New Pedagogies For The Digital Age from Steve Wheeler Steve Wheeler of the University of Plymouth explores the concept of new learning forms that don’t simply place old forms on new digital platforms, but reconsider those forms. Key among the ideas given is...

IPad use

Video link showing how technology can be used… andflywrite on 25 May 12 What to do with your 1.0 version of anything…find another use… Along the same lines, decades ago now, the early version of the MacIntosh was a little all in one thing with a 9...

Quality Matters Rubric

  Alignment of Critical course components  in an online course- Course Objectives (III), Learner Interactions and Activities (V), Resources, Materials, and Technology (IV and VI), Assessment and Measurement (III) – work together to ensure that students...