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Nationwide Student Internet Program Launch…dent-internet-program-launches A program aimed at bridging the digital divide among schoolchildren by providing low-cost broadband service and inexpensive computers to needy students is being piloted in San Diego County before it goes...

Videos on TED-ED Use engaging videos on TED-Ed to create customized lessons. You can use, tweak, or completely redo any lesson featured on TED-Ed, or create lessons from scratch based on any video from YouTube.

Adult literacy report…Literacy_Report_Highlights.pdf Report highlights just came out, with suggestions for practice, policy, and funding. Suggests need for more research in adult learning.  

Partnership with five technology companies…thfivetechnologycompanies.html City of Chicago partnering colleges and high-tech companies for real world HS experience. PSA could play a role in a project such as this in providing students with unique curriculum and opportunities for...

Learnerweb…index.html Open source platform for online/blended learning for learners not prepared for post secondary courses. A nice feature, it is bilingual to some extent.