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John recently mentioned a 2013 post I did about George Seimens on Connectivist theory. Here is more on connectivism in a slide share from Stephen Downes another researcher about learning theory for the digital age. Connectivism, MOOCs and Innovation from Stephen...

Entrepreneurs reality check

“My parents were auctioneers,” Dickerson said. “There were all these kids hanging out. I organized the Cookie Tin. I got each one to bake a pan of cookies,” she said. “They sold the cookies. I, of course, took a percentage off the top.” A local example in this Las...

Culture and parenting

In South Asia—I’ve worked a lot in Nepal, and also in India—I’m very impressed by two particular parenting behaviors. One is that parents are very physically affectionate. Fathers as well as mothers, and close relatives are too. And that is combined with totally clear...