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Libraries key to mooc success

A defined learning experience (DLE) may be formal, such as offered by institutions. Or a DLE may be informal, such as the MOOC model for training, professional development, and learning centered on learner interests and goals. Learning circles, run much like a book...

Countries most successful in educating citizens

See which countries have been classed as most successful at offering the best education to their citizens according to this article. The Social Progress Imperative has compiled research on basic education levels throughout the world and presented it via the Social...

Industry transformation in Singapore

Over the years, I have attended many CASAS Summer Institutes. The topics include a focus on the latest approaches to transitioning learners from post secondary education to the workplace. One year, I attended a session presented by the Singapore workforce development...

Corporate learning today

Here is an elearning infographic describing “corporate learning today” Previous posts discussed DIY learning and training in the real world. Among other interesting thoughts, the infographic shares how employees are spending 5x more time on self directed...

New Mexico Technology in Education 2016

Having attended New Mexico Technology in Education (NMTIE) conferences in previous years, I’m always interested in the topics for presentation. Here are suggestions for presentations to give you some idea about “professional development in the real...