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Snapchat is evolving

Watching apps is a fun pastime, and I just noticed an article about funding for Snapchat in Forbes.  While I downloaded the app, I don’t actually use the app.  I have noticed that Congressman Beto O’Rourke in El Paso asked for followers on Snapchat....

Videos that capture the imaginiation

My two year old grandson is fascinated by YouTube garbage truck videos, the sounds and the sights of waste management. Henry is not allowed much media time, but on Saturday popcorn night he is treated to a 30 minute video that captures his imagination. This article...

Future of learning

10:47:55 PM10:47:56 PM10:48:00 PMMay 14, 2016If we could interview George Siemens PSA would ask questions about his vision for understanding media in the mobile age. In this Slideshare, George Siemens shares a vision for the future of learning. Siemens is known as a...

Human and machine

See how the human made a move that no machine would ever expect in Game Four between the Google Machine, AlphaGO, and Lee Sedol. If Lee Sedol hadn’t played the first three games against AlphaGo would he have found God’s Touch? The machine that defeated him...