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Smartphone sensor data

How can sensor data from smartphones fuel major advances? A clever idea for crowdfunding cell phone data offers a glimpse at how a huge data source in the form of cell phone sensor data becomes useful for insight into health care, transportation, urban planning and...

State of broadband in states

Following up on John’s broadband post regarding incentives for broadband in New Mexico.  This Washington Post article offers maps of broadband in the states as well as in the world.  Of course, rural areas such as New Mexico are a challenge when looking at...

Periscope a lesson

Michelle Phelan presents a math lesson to her students using @classflow, a technology tool that allows her students to work out problems on their ipads and then send them to her white board for review. Taking technology a step further, the teacher is using periscope,...

Technology evolution

After interviewing Julia Parra about what she sees happening with learning today, I took some time to follow up on some suggestions from Julia regarding the technology evolution.  Thanks to Julia for leading us at PSA to some quality links in our pursuit of the latest...