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Rhizomatic learning

Is Rhizomatic learning a model useful to PSA in understanding the construction of knowledge? The MOOC “Open Education” is an OpenLearn Course found on the Open University site. This is a Master’s level course spanning 7 weeks/60 hours. Since the MOOC...

Stories from disruption

While this article in the New York Times relates to recovering from the trauma of terrorism, the reference to storytelling also applies to disruption in learning today. Perhaps PSA interviews are a form of story telling for all of us as we adapt to the disruption in...

Vygotsky as muse to complex learning/teaching

I found this article in the Facebook Rhizo 15 MOOC discussion presented by Dave Cormier.  This article looks at Vygotsky theories of learning as an interpretive lense for complexity theory applied to education.  Dave Cormier looks at the rhizome as an example of...

Fourth industrial revolution

As Professor Klaus Schwab has previously described, the world is in the early stages of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”: a fundamental shift in how we produce, consume and relate to one another, driven by the convergence of the physical world, the digital world and...

Informal learning

This article explains informal learning as a new corporate model for training. The included diagram visually explains the rise of informal learning.