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Quality Matters Annual Conference

The Quality Matters Annual conference  is presently in Session, and while we at PSA are not attending, we can see what is up in the world of quality design for online courses. Experts will address competency-based education (CBE), including the universal design...

Career pathways podcasts on Youtube.

Sounds like an NPR type interview about developing career pathways in adult basic education. The person interviewed in this YouTube podcast  is inspired by teaching methodology in adult basic education using contextualized instruction to meet student needs.  While...

video conferencing research with babies

Happily, in this article I learned that I can throw a kiss to my grandson on FaceTime and he can interact with me using the technology.  It works best if the adult on the other end catches the kiss and plants it on the child’s head.   Apparently, researchers...

How children succeed

“How Children Succeed” written by Paul Tough looks at how both low income and higher income kids can be successful with grit, curiosity and the hidden power of character. My two year old grandson Henry came to mind often as I read this book.  Henry is full...