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Videos to share transformation of the learner

Going to lunch with students changed Michael Wesch’s attitude about teaching, and he is trying to share his personal transformation through a series of videos he hopes will go viral. Michael Wesch  is working on more short videos — they’re essentially visual op-eds —...

Interviews to rate the effectiveness of an education

Online education is changing rapidly, and a graduation rate can’t possibly capture the effectiveness of an education — online or not. Instead of compiling metrics that paint an incomplete picture, we asked good questions to the right people. offers...

Happiness question and how to become unhooked

We have discussed the Amazon appeal for competence, and here is an alternative: How to become unhooked. Pema Chodron provides 21 lectures or 9.5 hours of content in how to become unstuck and unhooked from what we do habitually. For $67 you can find out how to do...

Life Long learning

Today we talked with Herb Cook about the Fort Worden Life Long Learning project in Port Townsend, WA. Goddard College came up as the graduate program provider at Fort Worden. This video not only helps us understand adult learning needs as understood in the 60’s...

Flipped classrooms and Marshall Mcluhan

We have talked about “flipped classrooms” since about 2011.  After recently refreshing my memory about Marshall Mcluhan,  I can see that the man did give us a vision for how the media not only extends senses but changes the nature of how we...