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Games as learning engines

Prof Eric Klopfer from the edX course, Design and Development of Learning Games,talks in this video with Dan Norton, Founding Partner and CCO at Filament Games. Dan Norton reflects on Filament Games’ design philosophy and also challenges faced by learning game...

Educational gaming resources

Here are some final resources from the edX course, Design and Development of Games for Learning. K-12 MARKET-How to survive? Richards, John, et al. Winter 2013. Games for a Digital Age: K-12 Market Map and Investment Analysis. The Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame...

Break the Ice Poker

Here is my first attempt at making a game using Prezi for my project deliverable.  The game was developed during a six week course through the EdX , MITx MOOC called Design & Development of Games for learning.  I’m not sure if the public prezi will work for...

Startup Las Cruces Meetup Group

I believe Gary introduced us to the entrepreneur meetup group, Startup Las Cruces.  I receive notifications from this group and noticed a meetup on  June3, 2015 at 12:00pm called “The Game”.  The meetup groups in Las Cruces are worth watching since the...

Terminology for non academic skills

This article in NPRed talks about the skills that are the keys to learner success but what do we call them? The game I created for my most recent EdX MOOC, Design and Development of games for learning, challenged my thinking about what competencies or skills I was...