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Gamification takeaways for teachers

World renowned game designer and author of “Reality is Broken”, Jane McGonigal, speaks at Microsoft’s 2011 U.S. Innovative Education Forum. Cameron Evans interviews McGonigal on the key takeaways for teachers. As I complete Unit 5 in the EdX Design...

Eleven stages of hero’s journey animated

John has often mentioned Joseph Campbell’s stages of the hero’s journey as a tool for creating game narrative. The following animation is a quick look at the stages of the journey according to Campbell and how the stages fit into ordinary life.

Design and development of games for learning

I am now in my 4th week of the EdX course on Design and Development of games for Learning.  This week we were asked to “play test” our games and think of questions we would ask of those who “play test” our game in a prototype such as cards or...

MOOC for credit

Here is more on the ASU and EdX Global Fresh Academy and reactions from the media. Here is what we know for now about the Global Freshman Academy, or ‘GFA’: • The courses are open to all, and can be ‘audited’ for free, the same as with other courses on • To...