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Gamification course at Edx

My goal for this MOOC offered by EdX, Design & Development of Games for Learning, is to check out how a game, if it is fun and engaging, will help with learner motivation.  Here are two reading resources from the course that PSA might find useful. [gview...

Live hangout on air for EdX 11.127x

Here is a live event from April 29th by course staff for the EdX course I’m now attending called the “Design and Development of Games for Learning”. The Google hangout format offers participants a critique from the course staff on prototypes now in...

Mobile learning for free English

This news about a first nation pilot program providing immigrants free English comes from Nell Eckersley, a leader in New York literacy. A company called Cell-Ed makes mobile learning possible for users of smart phones and not so smart phones. Cell-Ed was also...

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

The details in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) are becoming available as the Act comes into play this year.  The Act was preceded by the Workforce Investment Act, a framework for education and employer collaboration for workforce development. The...