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Understanding media impact on learning

Dr. Marina Kostina, CEO & Founder, Wired@Heart is a distance learning expert and consultant on online training programs and learning series.  She believes we are wired to connect so her core business is building connections and engagement online. Here she offers a...

Adult education- COABE conference 2015

COABE (Commission on Adult Education) partners with state directors to advance adult education and literacy opportunities for all purposes.  This #COABE15 conference link lists the presenters and topics for the conference.  The conference is offering an app for those...


Do we really improve learning with brain games or just get better at playing games?  See article from Scientific American.

Game design and Bloom’s taxonomy

Training Magazine Network is offering a webinar on game design alignment with Bloom’s taxonomy.    Of course, gamification is a core concept PSA sees for encouraging engagement in learning.    Fun, engaging narratives integrated with quality technology and... course “Neuroscience of Learning”

After reviewing the introduction course to suggested by John in another post, I completed my first course in called “Neuroscience of Learning”. While the technology support for the video presentation of the course is high quality, the...