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Fair use- What is it?

At a meeting with Ed Lappin, we were discussing what he knew about “fair use” for non profits.  So here is the wikipedia definition.  Looks like we need an attorney in deciding what music and backgrounds will work for us.

Startup advice

Here is a list of “things I wish I had known before founding a startup” from Alejandro Cremades, CEO at Onevest (formerly RockThePost). Startup investing marketplace where #startups connect with #investors. PSA is taking a startup...

The MOOC business model and higher education

This article describes the economic benefits of the MOOC business model for higher education. In America, bowing to the inevitable, universities have joined various startups in the rush to provide stand-alone instruction online, through Massive Open Online Courses, or...

Mobile learning and adult education

Reaching adult learners in literacy or ELL programs is always a challenge so this link confirms what I have often thought…adult education learners have smart phones and they will learn on their own.  What they need are more apps that focus on the skills they...