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Learner support model from Health Care

PSA follows patient care models to learn more about support for learners.  Here is a link to 2014 Patient Summit Europe. Health Care is seeking informal learning opportunities to provide greater support to improve lives.  The goal is greater trust in the industry and...

Digital literacy training for trainers

What kind of free train the trainer options are available to facilitators of learning in need of digital literacy themselves?  I found links to free digital literacy curriculum and train the trainer workshops by Microsoft.  Apparently, you don’t have to use...

Mobile learning k-12 infographic

PSA is focusing on a train the trainer DLE to support informal learning for community organizations as they move to cloud opportunities for learning .  We look to formal learning institutions for research on adoption of mobile technology and the challenges reported as...

Gamification presentation at Excelsior College

This talk, presented by the Center for Game and Simulation-Based Learning at Excelsior College, focuses on how game theory and principles inform the design and implementation of an engaging blended learning, primarily online undergraduate course.

Education 3.0 and pedagogy of mobile learning

This presentation shares some ideas that PSA promotes for education 3.0 and the pedagogy of mobile learning.  “Heutagogy” is described as the management of self managed learners.  “Flow” is described as a measure of learner engagement....