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Udacity moving forward

PSA has suggested that users need support to succeed in learning, online or not.  Looks like we now have a remedy. Udacity is offering another level of courses providing coaches and certificates.  The idea is to build a portfolio with key skills using personal...

Flipped classroom infographic

This infographic presents concepts behind the “flipped classroom”, and how students and teachers respond to the model. Find more education infographics on e-Learning Infographics

Family social learning construct

As a new mom, my daughter and her husband joined PEPS  a face to face support group in Seattle Washington for new parents.  The following video helps explain this social learning construct with new parents helping each other and enabling learning for all.  The...

MOOC round table: the past, present, future

This round table webinar from Corporate Learning Network brought together some experts to discuss the opportunities for corporate MOOCs.  While security and proprietary information limits the scope of MOOCs for corporate training, the experts see an impact for...

Interactive video conferencing

I follow the Literacy Information and Communication System (LINKS) group, Technology and Learning.  The site provides a discussion for professional development in Adult Literacy using technology.  A member discussed a platform to deliver video conferencing for...