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LeaderMOOC webinars

You can do almost all activities in LeaderMOOC at your own pace and in your own time. We will have a few ‘events’ in the next weeks in the form of virtual classes. On this page you’ll find our schedule as well as information as how to join our...

Curation unintended consequences

A 2011 TED Talk with Eli Pariser, a pioneering online organizer,  reminds us how personalized web searches  limit what is uncomfortable for us to learn.  How do curation algorithms edit out to fit our “filter bubble” and then limit our perceptions of other...

Blog: Teaching with technology

Another chance to learn with a MOOC, a Moodle MOOC on WizIQ.  See a webinar called Teaching with Technology that tutors:  integration of the blog as a teaching tool. The challenge of participation using blogs to connect to get students excited about learning.  Very...

Las Cruces Startup Weekend

We talked about the lean start-up model as a way to “turn an idea into action.”  I noticed on Linked In group, NM Information Technology Professionals,  that Las Cruces is holding a Start Up Weekend promoting the culture of entrepreneurship the weekend of...