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Innovation and “rent seekers”

In our discussions regarding choosing a customer segment focus , Steve Blank provides some advice. Steve Blank blog on creative strategies for startups when facing “rent seekers”.  Blank’s suggested strategy for disruptive startups:   Pick early...

Research-Chavira dissertation Ch. 2

  Here are notes from Chapter 2.  Working from my ipad, I added Chapter 2 to Chapter 1 notes.  Not a good idea since you need to scroll through.   So, go to about page 21 in the pdf for some interesting literature on Social Learning construct.  Research seems to...

Cartlife- a narrative video game

Trailer for Cartlife: I saw an article in the Seattle Times about the developer of the video game Cartlife. The narrative game follows three characters in their lives as street vendors. The characters make choices about their work while making choices about their...