by kris | May 10, 2022 | BEST LINKS EVER
The keynote speaker for the Pro-literacy conference in 2022, Kerry Suddes, works with training and coaching for funding projects in all sectors. As adult education funding becomes more competitive, funders look to emphasize a collective impact. The featured sessions...
by kris | May 10, 2022 | BEST LINKS EVER
This complimentary webinar by is offered by Ray Jimenez to explain how to use cheap and free tools for story based e-learning design. Is this a talent for specializing in content design for the metaverse? Tiny Engaging...
by kris | May 10, 2022 | 7 Core DLE Elements, BEST LINKS EVER, Learning Community
Barb Oakley, is a co-instructor for Uncommon Sense Teaching, a course offered on Coursera. She created a video showing how online flashcards assist in “retrieval practice” for retaining information learned online. Wondering how many Job listings are...
by kris | Apr 3, 2022 | BEST LINKS EVER, Learning Community
The Bezos Academy funds tuition free Montessori inspired preschools in underserved communities. The program benefits the child and families at a time in life critical to brain Development, early childhood. Recent PSA posts encourage reimagining education by funding...
by kris | Apr 3, 2022 | BEST LINKS EVER, Learning Community
New Mexico is reimagining higher education for all residents in the state. A new state law approved in a rare show of bipartisanship allocates almost 1% of the state’s budget toward covering tuition and fees at public colleges and universities, community colleges and...