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Are we there yet?

Well, as of today I’m on 6/9/12 as I transfer Diigo posts to Word Press.  How about you?  Tell me your last post/date and I will finish up the list.  You have done more than your share of posts already.  The best I can do…. since I couldn’t get you a...

Mindjet -Foundations for Value Propositions MASTER (2)

Got the invitation and able to access in the PSA Mindjet folder.  I like seeing this all on one map.  I downloaded it to my Mindjet app to work with it since the cloud Mindjet is still very slow.  I’m hopeful that if I make additions, I can share it to the cloud...

Virtual business incubator

A blog post about business incubation decribes a model written more than 13 years ago by Chesbrough (pioneer of OpenInnovation concept).  I found the post in the Udacity Lean LaunchPad Group Members in LinkedIn. The ideas for developing a Virtual Business incubator...


I’ve been adding Diigo posts and had some problems with the posting.  The site seemed very slow at times.  Then, I was unable to create text links even when the URL was working for some of the posts.  Some posts worked fine.