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BTOP Mindmap PDF

  I added a new mindmap to our PSA mindjet folder.    This map has more contact information and I added color.  I’m having difficulties with exporting the map as slides in keynote or powerpoint. The link here is a PDF.   I have the levels open since it is...

Social media video 2013

  Not so sure the social media data is new information, but in my opinion this video link is a good example for “sleek and robust”. Published on Nov 7, 2012 Social Media Video 2013: Social Media Revolution 4 was written by international best selling...

MOOC benefits and inconsistencies

  Ignatia deWaard blog post on benefits and inconsistencies resulting from MOOC’s… Ted video where Daphne Koller (co-founder of Coursera) speaks about the benefits of MOOCs. And yes, great MOOCs follow the best practices of great online learning:...