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Online Engagement It is a pretty well-known fact that keeping engagement online is one of the most important factors for success in this context. However, I often see that...

Blog posts

As I continue to transfer the Diigo posts, I have learned something about the posting process.  I was hoping to cut a step so I was not previewing my posts, just publishing and then editing if the link had an error. Well, when the post comes to my email, I’m...

Contact-Creative Services Director

John, While attending an event in El Paso last night, I was visiting with the Creative Services Director from KFOX, Candice MacBlain.  Turns out that Candice’s first job was with Barbara Chamberlin at the media lab.  Candice thinks very highly of both Barbara,...

William Glasser-Quality Schools

Willian Glasser PDF William Glasser is known for work with Quality Schools. I went through his training in the early 1990’s to better understand how to motivate student behavior to produce quality work. Glasser describes the basic intrinsic needs that drive us...