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Six Mobile Learning Trends That Grew in 2012 Much of this we have talked about.  I like the term “snack learning” for learning episodes on the go. “Mobile learning is exciting, the trends are important, but effective learning...

NMKinetic…completed-mobimooc2012_12.html Post on an analysis of the “tree structure” used during the mobimooc12. I’m using Hootsuite to post to multiple social media from my blog site.  I can also post to groups within various...

Martial Arts College | iPhone Applications Looks like a way to you use BYOD to learn on the go in a very simple professional form. John Griffith on 12 Oct 12 Tres Kuhl. For something relatively slow moving like Tai Chi and Yoga, one could hold your smartphone/ or...

Mentira nmkris on 12 Oct 12 Mentira, a project launched in July 2009, is the first mobile, place-based, augmented reality game explicitly oriented towards the development of language skills in Spanish. It is set in a Spanish-speaking neighborhood in...