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Michael Crow, Arizona State U, and innovation

There are a number of previous posts here at PSA that note the trends of innovation ongoing at ASU, and especially their annual EdTech conference with a venture cap fund. This article does an in-depth (40 pdf pages) examination of the lead driving force behind...

Guided or unguided instruction?

This is research on guided learning (modeling, scaffolding, summarizing key points) vs unguided learning (problem based, discovery, constructivist, experiential). While this research is from 2010, PSA is interested in the latest on brain research as applied to...

AI and human intelligence for now

Here is an opinion spanning fifteen years covering call centers in India from then to now.  The main business was customer service calls selling products for US companies using high school graduates in India.   Today, the noisy operations on the call center...

Education micro credentials

How can micro credentials become an element of personalized computerized learning dovetailing with competency based education? Micro-credentials are one of the hot rising ideas in the education space. To understand the basics, go look at your child’s Xbox or...