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Giant Tech Gatekeepers and OTL

The role of “gatekeepers” between “us” and our online activities, such as eLearning and eHealthcare, and all the other online activities, has “come to light” in the last year with a vengeance. The surreptitious hand of internet...

Steve Blank’s take on moving forward…Fast

  PSA follows Steve Blank and the Lean Start Up model for moving amazing new technology into the 21st Century. Here is an article digging into what it takes to move forward or not. Fast Time in Three Horizon High            ...

Oculus VR hardware comparisons

The VR marketplace continues to develop, but still at a slower than expected pace, if we go by the hype phase of this innovation. However, the technical developments and hurdles that need to be dealt with are truly substantive. But there is no reason to doubt that at...

NM Governor announces education leadership team

Big changes are underway in state government with a new governor starting to implement her vision for how to do public education in NM. The present oil and gas NM state tax revenue presents opportunities not present in previous years, and this governor has plans to...