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Culture and parenting

In South Asia—I’ve worked a lot in Nepal, and also in India—I’m very impressed by two particular parenting behaviors. One is that parents are very physically affectionate. Fathers as well as mothers, and close relatives are too. And that is combined with totally clear...

Alison Gopnik TED talk

Follow up to Kris’s recent post on Alison Gopnik, child development psychologist, philosopher, author, and frequent media guest, who teaches at Cal Berkeley: a TED talk by her which has been viewed 2.5M times, so far. “Babies and young children are like...

The State of American Jobs: PEW research

People say workers themselves have the most responsibility for their job readiness and K-12 schools are the next in line; opinions diverge about the role of colleges, employers and governments. PEW research, one of the world’s most reliable investigators of what...