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Digital Health prezi by Dr. Oge Alozie

Dr. Alozie knows an enormous amount about Digital Health today, as no doubt you will agree after viewing his prezi on that topic linked below. Kudos to Oge for sharing here. There’s so many overlaps between changes, opportunities, innovations and disruptions in...

Human and machine

See how the human made a move that no machine would ever expect in Game Four between the Google Machine, AlphaGO, and Lee Sedol. If Lee Sedol hadn’t played the first three games against AlphaGo would he have found God’s Touch? The machine that defeated him...

Smartphone sensor data

How can sensor data from smartphones fuel major advances? A clever idea for crowdfunding cell phone data offers a glimpse at how a huge data source in the form of cell phone sensor data becomes useful for insight into health care, transportation, urban planning and...

Fixing A Broken Freshman Year

Rethinking college, and college life, to address the huge dropout problem that occurs early on after starting a “college program”, often within the first month of registration for freshman year, has been an ongoing challenge for years. And it turns out...