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Video for sharing knowledge in the workplace

KZO innovations is an enterprise video content management platform that claims to measure utilization as well as community commenting. I wandered onto a live web event today that talked about using video, both synchronously and asynchronously, for explaining process...

Growth mindset

While we hope teachers will have a growth mindset about using technology in the classroom, this link shares how teachers can teach kids about a growth mindset using ClassDojo.  ClassDojo started out as a behavior management online tool for teachers. Many teachers are...

Ed Tech funding 2015

As the ed tech transformation rolls on, funding sources and methods change to account for what are seen to be the best opportunities, as noted in the NY Times article below, and the accompanying chart below. (note the big China ed tech funding) Public financing also...

Internet for the next billion(s)

Providing internet connectivity for the billions presently lacking it, brings up questions that are very relevant to those already connected as well. Are FaceBook, Apple, Google or MS going to succeed in attempts to, in effect, divert most traffic to their apps and...