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NMSU online programs ranked

These sort of rankings for educational institutions are notoriously unscientific, and then there’s the matter of publicizing rankings that might not be notably a plus. 183rd for Best Online Bachelor’s Programs doesn’t seem all that...

Play is good for the brain

We continue to seek the best learning practices for our youngest learners.  Of course, good to learn about all the brain research supporting our practices of play and fun, and keeping up with Finland in ranking near the top in international education! Here is some...

MOOC instructional design

Here is an announcement for a new MOOC. The announcement itself contains references that are helpful to PSA  in better understanding what is learning today and what is instructional design today. Enter MOOC MOOC: Instructional Design Beginning on January 25, 2016,...

Kahn starts a lab school

In 2015, Khan Academy, which pioneered free, online video tutorials and lectures that have reached millions of students around the world, sought new ways of reaching new people. Here is a NPR interview with Salman Kahn discussing how video lectures and tutorials can...

Social media in online learning

Gilly Salmon shares new research regarding her Carpe Diem MOOC.  The Carpe Diem MOOC provides a formal online learning tool, Blackboard as well as the use of Twitter and FaceBook for networking and improved learning experience. In this paper, we explore the benefits...

Sooner and Faster for kids questioned

There are many opinions, studies, theories about what works in education and what doesn’t. There’s a lot of experience from what has been done in the past, as well as a lot of ongoing research. Some of it is extremely valuable and useful. Some is not....