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Interviews to rate the effectiveness of an education

Online education is changing rapidly, and a graduation rate can’t possibly capture the effectiveness of an education — online or not. Instead of compiling metrics that paint an incomplete picture, we asked good questions to the right people. offers...

Happiness question and how to become unhooked

We have discussed the Amazon appeal for competence, and here is an alternative: How to become unhooked. Pema Chodron provides 21 lectures or 9.5 hours of content in how to become unstuck and unhooked from what we do habitually. For $67 you can find out how to do...

Everyone as a Service

One of the ways we talk about new relationship between people and entities online is to describe them “As a Service”. IOW, moving towards atomization of the workforce into self employed and DIY needs an explanation, and talking “as a...

Excitement in learning

This is kind of just for fun, but then a good DLE includes that part of life we call fun too. From the NY Times story with more on other rollercoasters of note. A good example of how video is used to convey and experience experiences hard to “present” in...

Rural Broadband access: Minnesota version

In some ways, Minnesota is like NM, with a great deal of the state consisting of spread out small towns. Which creates a similar need for rural broadband access. However, Minnesota is a much more vibrant economy, as their rural areas are high producing...