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Higher Ed today: two extremes

Here’s two stories that paint very different pictures for higher ed in today’s transitioning OTL world. One covers Corinthian Colleges Inc undergoing some form of collapse or deep reorganization, under duress from various problems that have drawn the US...

NM PEC revokes second charter in DAC

One of the entities charged with Charter School regulation has revoked the charter for the Anthony Charter School, after previously revoking the charter for the Health Sciences Academy in Santa Theresa. Needless to say, there are political components to these actions,...

Telecom disruptions continue

As is all over the news this week, the planned merger/takeover between Comcast and TimeWarner Cable will not be taking place. Some of the reasons for that have to do with market disruption for cable companies with the current boom in streaming video. As well as trends...

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

The details in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) are becoming available as the Act comes into play this year.  The Act was preceded by the Workforce Investment Act, a framework for education and employer collaboration for workforce development. The...